Guidelines for Public Participation in Town of Blue River In Person & Virtual Meetings 

All information for a Board of Trustees meetings must be submitted by the 5:00 p.m. the second Tuesday of the month.  Non-agenda items received will be shared with the Trustees but will not appear in the Trustees Meeting Packet.  Please note for all meetings the public is welcomed to attend and listen.  Please note there is time for public comments during public hearings as well as dedicated time on the Board of Trustees agenda.  Comments are to be limited to 5 minutes.  For Commission and Committee meetings as well as work sessions, the public is welcome to listen but may or may not be able to provide comments.  There will not be any public comment taken virtually.  All public comments must either be given in person during Public Comment times or submitted in writing.

To Submit Your Comments or Testimony in Advance:

Email to info@townofblueriver.org

  • Send your written comments or testimony no later than Tuesday, 5:00 p.m.  the week before the public hearing to be included in the Trustees Packet.  In most cases this would be the second Tuesday of the month.  Please note non-agenda written comments will be shared with the Trustees but will not be included in the packet.
  • Please include your full name and address for the record.

During Regular Board of Trustees Meetings, public comment is available in person for non-agenda items during the section for Public Comments. Speakers will be limited to 5 (five) minutes.  Public Comments are also accepted during public hearings and comment periods for Ordinances being considered on the agenda.  Comments must be given in person or may be submitted in advance as directed above.