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Spruce Creek Road Improvements
Invitation to Bid
Date: February 26, 2025
Electronic Bids will be received by Muller Engineering on behalf of the Town of Blue River, Colorado (OWNER) until 2:00 PM., local time, Thursday, April 3, 2025, for the project entitled Spruce Creek Road Improvements. Bids may be emailed to Dani Bajorek at dbajorek@mullereng.com.
Spruce Creek Road is a soft surface roadway located within the Town of Blue River, Colorado. The project generally consists of profile grade alterations and paving about 600 lineal feet of Spruce Creek Road with an asphalt surface roadway. The project also includes grading, resurfacing, and adjusting the intersection of Spruce Creek Road with State Highway 9 with an asphalt surface roadway as well as the intersection with Gold Nugget Drive. To accommodate the roadway improvements, the project will include the addition of two access road culverts, roadside swales and riprap, and the relocation of select utilities by others. Miscellaneous items include erosion control, seeding and mulching. The project will also feature a Bid Alternative that consists of the addition of a speedbump at a location to be determined by project stakeholders.
All bids must be in accordance with the Contract Documents on file with the Owner, Town of Blue River, Colorado, 0110 Whispering Pines Drive, Blue River, CO 80424; and at the office of Muller Engineering Company, Inc., 7245 West Alaska Drive, Suite 300, Lakewood, Colorado 80226.
Copies of the Contract Documents for use in preparing Bids may be obtained electronically from Muller Engineering (dbajorek@mullereng.com). Office hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Bid documents will be available on March 12, 2025.
A pre-Bid Conference will be held virtually at 1:00 PM local time on Tuesday, March 18th. Please email dbajorek@mullereng.com to receive a meeting link.