Municipal Court

Held the first Wednesday of the month

5:00 p.m.

Town Hall

0110 Whispering Pines Circle




Municipal Court Dates


January 8

February 5

March 5

April 2

May 7

June 4

July 2

August 6 

September 3

October 1

November 5 

December 3

To Make A Payment

Mail check or money order to:
Town of Blue River
PO Box 1784
Breckenridge, CO 80424


To pay with a credit card (*Note there is a 4.25% convenience fee for over the phone transactions*)
Call 970-547-0545 ext. 0.
You may pay online under the ONLINE payment tab.
To pay after hours
Drop citation and check or money order in the Town Hall drop box at 0110 Whispering Pines Circle, Blue River
Payments accepted in person Tuesday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Check, Cash, Money Order, and Credit Cards all accepted. In person Credit Card payments subject to a 3% convenience fee.
Blue River Town Hall, 0110 Whispering Pines Circle
If fines are paid before the court date, and your driving record meets the criteria explained on the back of your citation, the points will be reduced as explained on the citation.

Blue River Municipal Court offers a hybrid option to attend court.  If you have an upcoming court date and plan to "attend" virtually, please use the link below.  You will need to register and will be placed in a waiting room until it is your turn to meet with the Court.  You may also opt to attend in-person.  Please note, by choosing to attend court either virtually or in person a $50 Court fee may be assessed.

You may pay for your tickets on this site under the Pay Online tab.  For any questions, please call (970) 547-0545 ext. 0 to reach the Court Clerk.

Zoom link for all 2025 Municipal Court Dates
