Short-term rentals are part of life within the community. As Blue River is a small rural mountain residential community, it is necessary for everyone to do their part to be a good neighbor. While these guidelines are addressed to short-term rentals, these guidelines apply to ALL properties within the Town of Blue River. Please do your part to ensure our community remains safe, enjoyable and beautiful for everyone who lives, works and plays here.
Wildfire Safety & Prevention
Wildfire is a serious risk here, and fire restrictions may be place, depending on conditions and time of year. Even if fire restrictions are not in place, be vigilant: Only use approved outdoor devices, and ensure that a responsible adult is always present until a fire is out cold.
Visitors must check to see where fire restrictions are in effect BEFORE lighting a fire outdoors, smoking outdoors, or using outdoor grills, barbecues or stoves. Portable outdoor fireplaces are prohibited. Visit: for current fire restrictions. Check with the property owner or management company to ensure the fireplace/pit has been issued a permit for use. You may also use the QR code and flyer to the right for more information.
Sign up to receive emergency information for this area at

Respect for Wildlife
Summit County & Blue River is filled with diverse wildlife including bears, elk, moose, mountain lions, marmots, bighorn sheep, mountain goats and beavers. It can be exciting to view Colorado's wildlife, but it is important to do so at a safe distance. Most dangerous and potentially harmful encounters with wildlife occur because people fail to leave animals alone. Wildlife should not be harassed, captured, domesticated or fed.
Intentional or inadvertent feeding is the major cause of most wildlife problems. It is illegal in Colorado to intentionally place or distribute fee, salt blocks or other attractants for large animals. Please visit the Colorado Department of Wildlife page for more information on wildlife in our state and area.
Respect for Neighbors
Please be friendly and courteous, and treat your neighbors as you would like to be treated. Respect your neighbors and their property. The property owner or responsible agent shall inform all renters of property boundaries and limitations. There are not property fences in Blue River, but there are property boundaries. Ensure your guests and management companies respect those boundaries and avoid trespassing on your neighbor's property.

Noise & Outdoor Lighting
Be considerate of the neighborhood and your neighbors' right to the e quiet and peaceful enjoyment of their home and property, especially after 9 p.m. Quiet hours in the Town of Blue River are 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The Blue River Police Department may be contacted for any noise disturbance.
Do not leave outdoor lights on all night. Do not direct outdoor lighting toward neighbor's homes.

Trash & Recycling
Be sure to keep the property clean, presentable and free of trash and debris.
Place all trash & recycling in the designated containers store INDOORS, in order to prevent issues for wildlife or snow removal operators. It is unlawful to place trash outside prior to trash day. Fines will be issued for violations. Recycling bins are available in Breckenridge on Coyne Valley Drive. A glass recycling bin is available at Blue River Town Hall on Whispering Pines Circle.

All vehicles must park in the designated parking spaces provided. There is no parking on roadways, lawns or any area not designated for parking. The speed limit on all Town roads is 15 MPH. Observe all posted speed limits and watch for children, pedestrians and pets.

Maximum Capacity
Short-term rentals are limited to two people per bedroom plus two and rentals may not exceed this amount. Please refer to the posted limit per the rental license.

Driving Conditions
The combination of extreme weather conditions and steep grades can create treacherous driving conditions in Colorado's mountains. Blue River roads are plowed when snow accumulations are 4" or more. It is highly recommended that your vehicle be equipped with the following 4WD or AWD, snow tires or mud/snow tires with a minimum 3/16 inch tread, functioning defrosts (front/back), sturdy ice scraper and snow brush, windshield fluid rated for 0 degrees F or colder, shovel, gloves, boots and other winter clothing.
In winter conditions, give snow trucks extra space, do not pass plow trucks, drive slowly, increase your following distance from other vehicles, avoid stopping on an uphill slope, use the left lane only for passing, and never use cruise control.
If weather conditions require, CDOT will implement a Traction Law on state highways (Hwy 9; I-70; U.S. Hwy 6). Under a Traction Law, motorists will need to have either snow tires, mud/snow tires, four-wheel/all-wheel drive vehicle. All tires must have a minimum 3/16 inch tread. Motorists driving with inadequate equipment could be fined more than $130. If a motorist blocks the roadway because they have inadequate equipment during a Traction Law, they could be fined more than $650. From September 1-May 31, a Traction Law is always in effect on I-70 from Morrison to Dotsero. For more information visit

If you have your pet with you while on vacation, please be mindful you are in a wildlife area. All pets must be kept on a leash or within 10' of voice command.

The Summit Stage is a free bus service operating throughout Summit County. We encourage residents and visitors to utilize this service to ease traffic, congestion and pollution. Blue River has several stops throughout town. When crossing the highway, be cognizant of oncoming traffic. Click on the photo to be directed to the current Summit Stage schedule.