Building Inspections

Building Inspections

Inspections are conducted Tuesday & Thursdays and must be scheduled by 4 p.m. the day before. 

Please click on the ONLINE PORTAL link to the right to schedule your Building Department inspection or visit www.citizenserve.com/blueriver

If you experience issues scheduling your inspection, please call tech support at 1-800-325-9818 or the Town of Blue River at (970) 547-0545 ext 0 for assistance.

Portal Instructions


For Fire Mitigation Inspections post construction, contact Red, White and Blue Fire District (970) 453-2474 or emailing permits@rwbfire.org.

If connecting to sewer and/or water, these inspections must be completed with all fees paid with the individual districts.  Receipts of fees paid prior to issuance of a building permit is required.

Please use the online portal link on the home page to schedule an inspection.