Open Space & Trails Plan

The Town of Blue River is a small residential community situated in the upper Blue River basin of Summit County, Colorado. The founding fathers of the town, in the 1960’s, envisioned a rural neighborhood community of platted subdivisions with access to many outdoor recreation resources including the Goose Pasture Tarn, Blue River, Pennsylvania Creek and adjoining National Forest, to name a few. The Town recognizes that preserving open space and enhancing trail access through the Town and adjoining upper Blue River Basin is critical to maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in and around Blue River. This Open Space and Trails Plan has been created to provide guidance to the Town Trustees for future open space and trail related priorities and decisions. It is recognized that a balance must be achieved between increased recreation use in the Town and the maintenance of a quality neighborhood community life, and that a major focus on the Plan should provide a means for preserving and improving an interconnected recreational trail network and protection of significant open space areas.