Sherwood Forest Drainage Maintenance Project

Sherwood Concept

The Town of Blue River will be working within the Sherwood Forest Subdivision to address drainage issues along the north end of Starlit; the Starlit/Sherwood intersection and the intersection of Sherwood/Blue Grouse.  The project will remain within the prescribed currently maintained road easement and right of way.  The work will include the installation of three driveway culverts and two roadway culverts.  Additionally, work will include ditching along the roadway and the addition of road base and grading.  The goal of the project is to ensure proper conveyance of water off of the roads/properties into the ditches and culverts reducing the impact to properties and the road.  Work is anticipated to take place summer 2023.  Additional information is available below.

A larger, more comprehensive capital improvement project for the entire subdivision is being developed for the future.

On June 8, 2023, the Town of Blue River hosted a webinar presentation to review the plan and answer resident questions.  This webinar is available on our YouTube Channel here: Sherwood Forest Drainage Maintenance Project 2023 - YouTube

